Sunday, March 19, 2006

Swap Songs With Stranger, Will You?

Automatically adding new favorite songs to your digital music player while you are walking in the street will soon become a reality. A new technology called Push Music is developed by Viktoria Institute in Gothenburg, Sweden, allows WiFi enabled MP3 players to automatically transfer copies of songs when they come within 20 meters of each other.

When two or more Push participants come within WiFi range, their MP3 players set up a conference that allows them to exchange music files. To ensure people end up with songs they are likely to enjoy, each MP3 file is accompanied by a data file containing information about the song and how often it is played. Furthermore, to protect copyright holders, Push technology will self-delete the copied songs after a few days, forcing users to buy songs if they want to keep them.

The co-creator Maria Hakansson said that Push technology is a technology to allow music to find the user, instead of the user always looking for the music. During this project, WiFi enabled PDA was used as WiFi enabled MP3 player is still not available in the market.

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